Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Yelling as a communication style

When my seven year old forgets to use his words and just emotes instead, it provokes  a like response in his sibling, (his cousins also). First thing we do as a HEALTHY, LOVING, CARING family is make sure that no one is hurt, but after that we make sure that they know that yelling at someone is not the proper way to deal with issues.

This is directed square at you LESLIE COLLINS. (You're off the hook this morning Dwight Gammons. You're still a sad excuse for a physician)

Now I realize that HPRP and GAMMONS are the furthest thing away from HEALTHY, LOVING and CARING. I mean how could you give a shit about the  the dregs that are trapped in your system, right?

So as an a PROFESSIONAL  you feel the best way to deal with conflict is to yell at your clients, or subjects or whatever the hell you think of them as?  When someone calls you with an issue or a question or maybe even looking for guidance your initial reaction is to browbeat them into submission? You know browbeat right? (look it up).

Horrible excuse for an ADMINISTRATOR, how in the world do you keep this position? Who looks at you and goes, yes, that is what we want in that position? Your system is bankrupt, what is your budget? How much do you make? Based on the information in the 2013 budget online, my guess is the low 70's. Unless you get bonuses also. Theres a thought, what would your bonuses be based on? Filing adverse-notices? You know, every time you fail someone they say "Wow that LESLIE COLLINS sure is doing her jog. Look how many peoples lives she has ruined" "Lets not terminate her contract yet"

I can't believe that in today's enlightened society they allow trolls like yourself to have any authority at all. I am sure that it is only because the people that are victim to your corrupt methods are walking around with guilt at past transgressions, and somehow feel as if they deserve less than respect.

Now I am starting to hear rumblings from a third party that has info about other HPRP victims and mistreatment by your organization (if you want to call it an organization). Just silly stuff, like misplaced paperwork by HPRP and more threats of ADMINISTRATIVE action by your office. My fondest wish is that someone currently going through this nightmare posts a message to me on this blog. I am not a lawyer, just a pissed off husband that wants to cause you as much administrative discomfort and grief as I can. I will take ANY rumors and post them as to the best of my knowledge and see where it falls.

My brain-cancer induced aphasia is almost gone while I write these blogs, that is a good thing. That makes this therapeutic.

You took two weeks of consort (again, look it up) from my wife after a terminal diagnosis. On a whim. Because of a feeling. You have the necessary paperwork to communicate with me on this matter and refuse to do so, you feel the best way yo address this situation is to maintain silence toward me and still yell at my wife?

I am not one of your subjects, I will continue to try to embassies you for as long as I can. Please respond, I know you read these, also i know your general email box gets a copy so your whole office staff gets them as well, to that I say YAY, how many poeople in your office feel the sam way and how does that make you feel? 

Yelling is for children and the weak minded, which are you? Or is it just my wife you yell at? Oh, that would be special, the first crack in your defence of IGNORING me? That would be wonderful.

Come on  LESLIE COLLINS and communicate with me, I would RELISH it, even with my condition i would embarrass you intellectually. I do look forward to one day engaging with you and yours.

1 comment:

  1. Jeff if you would like to make a FACE BOOK post about this entire facility without using the specific names I would be happy to post it for you.

